T2.Ep4. ¿Depresión, TDA/H o las dos cosas?: el problema invisible en adultos con TDA/H

In this podcast we delve into the relationship between depression and the attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) in adults. First, we address the frequency of depression in adults with ADHD, as studies suggest that this population is more likely to experience depression compared to the general population. Next, we explore the possibility that depression can mimic AD/HD symptoms, and how this can make correct diagnosis more difficult.

Next, we focus on the typical symptoms of depression in an adult with ADHD, including lack of motivation, decreased interest in previously pleasurable activities, and difficulty concentrating. We discuss how these symptoms can be confused with those of ADHD, which can lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.

Finally, we address the question of what to treat first when a person has depression and AD/HD at the same time. While the answer depends on the severity of each condition, we discussed the importance of treating both conditions for the best long-term results.

If you find yourself dealing with both disorders, this podcast will provide detailed and practical information on how to recognize and treat them effectively to improve your quality of life.

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Información importante acerca de la información contenida en este podcast
•El propósito del contenido de este podcast es informativo
•No se debe usarse para diagnosticar o tratar enfermedad enfermedades.
•No debe usarse para, reemplazar, omitir o evitar la consulta con un especialista en salud.

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