Diagnóstico y evaluación de TDAH / ADHD del Adulto

Automated Online Assessment

Choose a comfortable and private place to begin completing the ADD AutoTest Inecap ™ and obtain a probabilistic diagnostic report on your possible AD/HD. You will get the results immediately after completing it.

How does it work?

  1. At no cost, complete the Mini ADD AutoTest to determine if you qualify for the ADHD evaluation.*
  2. In case the Mini ADD AutoTest™ is positive, you can immediately start the ADD AutoTest Inecap™ by making the payment securely with any credit card. If you want to continue at another time, leave your contact so an agent can facilitate the process for you.**
  3. You complete the self-test in approximately 60 minutes.
  4. You receive the report with the results in your email.
* Qualifying means that there are indicators of suspected ADHD.
**Send your contact information and our team will contact you as soon as possible.
* Illustrative images of the assessment.

What information/results will I get?

A numerical index that indicates the likelihood that you have ADD/ADHD.

The likelihood of suffering from another disorder that affects attention.

An index that indicates how affected your performance is in different areas of life.

The Executive Functions profile.

A section with specific information that can be used in the diagnosis module with specialists or with the health professional with whom you consult.

What benefit does it have?

  • Immediate results: resultados sin espera.
  • Self managed: It does not require an appointment with professionals.
  • Multimodal report: detailed and specific report that you can understand without being a specialist.
  • Healthcare value: Any professional can interpret it and use it for a definitive diagnosis.
  • Accessibility: from anywhere in the world from any device with internet access.

Why trust our evaluation?

Based on instruments developed by the best ADHD researchers in the world.

It has been validated by ADHD specialists with more than 15 years of experience.

Hundreds of patients were evaluated with the ADd AutoTest INECAP scales and questionnaires.

Evaluates all possible causes of ADHD, including other psychiatric or psychological problems, offering a multi-level approach.

Assessment with specialists


Diagnosis by professionals is an evaluation by specialists in psychology and psychiatry through a series of remote interviews in order to expand, personalize and determine treatment suggestions for adult ADHD.

How does it work?

  1. Calendar: an assistant will assign you appointments with the professionals who will evaluate you.
  2. Interviews: you carry out 2 individual interviews of 50 minutes.
  3. accountability a family member or significant third party conducts a 50-minute interview.*
  4. Results interview Finalizas el proceso con una entrevista opcional de devolución de 50 minutos.
         · Estimated total duration: 2 to 4 weeks.
*If interviewing third parties is not possible, an extra 50-minute individual interview is carried out to validate collected data.

What am I going to get?

Un informe desarrollado por los profesionales que realizaron la evaluación.

Información acerca del diagnóstico neurospicológico, psiquiátrico, funcional y situacional.

Introductory psychoeducation about ADHD.

Indicaciones respecto de los pasos a seguir para iniciar el tratamiento específico para el TDA/H o problema que se reporta en la evaluación.

* Illustrative images of the assessment.

What benefit does it have?

  • Personal: interacción directa (a través de videollamada) con especialistas en TDA/H del adulto.
  • A medida: el especialista customiza las recomendaciones según el perfil del paciente.
  • Terceros significativos: opción de participación de un familiar o tercero significativo para que exprese sus inquietudes.
  • Orientado a resultados: permite conocer las distintas opciones respecto de los tratamientos existentes para TDA/H del adulto validados por la evidencia científica.

Contact us now

Si quieres contratar la evaluación con especialistas o
tienes alguna duda, completa el formulario y te contactaremos.


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