Lic. Manuel Pastene
Clinical psychologist specializing in Adult ADHD, with solid training in cognitive behavioral therapy and more than 15 years of experience in mental health care activity. Postgraduate teacher and consultant in the area of performance psychology and habits.
Dr. Gabriel Brenner
Professional of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences with more than 10 years of practice in medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. Teacher, trainer, consultant and lecturer with a solid training in cognitive neuroscience applied to healthcare activity.
Dr. Gustavo Tafet
Phd in Medicine (UBA), Master in Neurosciences (Weizmann Institute of Science), Phd in Psychology (Maimonides University), Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobiology and Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at Maimonides University.
Lic. Adrián Margni
More than 20 years of experience in specialized teams in cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal change skills training. Teacher, consultant and researcher in Psychotherapy and Cognitive Psychology.
Teacher, consultant and researcher in Psychotherapy and Cognitive Psychology.
Tec. Dante de Agostino
10 years of experience in digital communication management. Consultant, Audiovisual Director and specialist in digital communication.
Our philosophy is to ensure that our patients receive comprehensive and empathetic treatment, in a comfortable, safe and confidential environment. Our priority is to provide care and attention in the most effective way possible, seeking tangible results. Our work model is based on Neuroscience and Behavioral Sciences.
Be at the forefront
Keep up-to-date with news in Neurosciences, behavioral sciences, technology and health.
Science Based
Team Work
Professional and human quality
We always prioritize human and professional treatment with patients. If any problem arise outside of our area of expertise, we have a network of colleagues to refer.
Pedagogical approach
Impact on habits
Our responsibility is to help those who consult us comply with the treatment guidelines, transferring learning to new contexts and situations.
If you have questions or queries
#38 Búsquedas online sobre TDA/H: ventajas y desventajas de recurrir a YouTubers, Influencers y otros gurues digitales
La búsqueda de información sobre salud en internet puede ser una espada de doble filo, especialmente para personas con TDA/H.
#37 ¿Revelar comunicar tu diagnóstico? Una guía para adultos con TDA/H y TEA
La decisión de revelar un diagnóstico de Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDA/H) o Trastorno del Espectro Autista
#36 TDA/H en Mujeres: Lo que dice la ciencia
El TDAH en mujeres adultas es un tema crucial pero a menudo pasado por alto. En este episodio, el Dr.