T2.Ep2. Síndrome de Asperger y TDAH en adultos: Diferencias clave y estrategias de detección

In this episode we will delve into the analysis of Asperger syndrome in adultsa condition that is frequently confused with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Throughout the conversation, we will examine the hallmarks and las manifestations of each disorder, the importance of accurate evaluation, and the most appropriate diagnostic tools.

We explore Asperger's Syndrome in adults, looking at its characteristics, challenges, and how it can affect social relationships, behavior, and the work environment. In addition, we share helpful strategies to help adults with Asperger's succeed in their personal and professional lives, focusing on recognizing their exceptional talents and abilities.

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•El propósito del contenido de este podcast es informativo
•No se debe usarse para diagnosticar o tratar enfermedad enfermedades.
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