Estrategias Basadas en Evidencia para Estudiar Exitosamente en la Universidad siendo un Adulto con TDAH


El Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects millions of adults worldwide. Studies suggest that ADHD persists into adulthood in 30-70% of cases diagnosed in childhood (Faraone et al., 2006). If you are an adult with ADHD, you likely face unique challenges when trying to study at university. However, research has identified effective strategies that can help you succeed in your higher education studies. In this article, we will explore common problems faced by adult university students with ADHD and provide evidence-based study techniques to help you achieve your academic goals.

The Challenges of ADHD in University

Adults with ADHD often struggle with symptoms such as lack of concentration, disorganization, Impulsivity and estlessness. These symptoms can significantly hinder success in the university environment, which requires a high degree of autonomy, responsibility, and self-discipline (Weyandt & DuPaul, 2013). Some of the specific challenges you might face as a university student with ADHD include:

  • Difficulty concentrating in classes and on tasks
  • Problems managing time and meeting deadlines
  • Procrastination and lack of motivation
  • Difficulties organizing and prioritizing tasks
  • Anxiety and frustration due to poor academic performance (Barkley, 2015)

Although these challenges can seem overwhelming, research suggests that with the right strategies and support, university students with ADHD can achieve academic success (DuPaul et al., 2009).

Evidence-Based Study Techniques for Adults with ADHD

If you have ADHD, traditional study techniques may not work well for you. However, scientific literature has identified several strategies that can be particularly effective for students with ADHD. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Create a conducive study environment: Research suggests that students with ADHD benefit from studying in a quiet, well-organized place free of distractions (Sarkis, 2014). Choose a dedicated study space and minimize temptations like your phone, TV, or social media.
  2. Set realistic goals and deadlines: Time management is a common challenge for adults with ADHD. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable parts, and set realistic deadlines for each one. Use a planner or an app to stay organized (Barkley, 2010).
  3. Use active study techniques: Studies show that active learning strategies, such as summarizing, creating concept maps, or teaching others, can improve retention and understanding in students with ADHD (Raggi & Chronis, 2006).
  4. Take frequent breaks: Research indicates that taking brief and regular breaks can improve concentration and productivity in people with ADHD (Sarter et al., 2006). Stand up, move around, or do something you enjoy during these breaks.
  5. Leverage your learning style: Some studies suggest that students with ADHD can benefit from strategies that match their preferred learning style, whether it be visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (Dunn & Dunn, 1993).
  6. Seek support when needed: Research highlights the importance of social and academic support for university students with ADHD (Meaux et al., 2009). Don't hesitate to seek help from professors, tutors, peers, or mental health professionals.

The Importance of Professional Treatment

While evidence-based study techniques are essential for academic success, research also emphasizes the importance of professional treatment for ADHD in adults. Studies show that a combination of medication and psychotherapy can be highly effective in managing ADHD symptoms and improving overall functioning (Knouse & Safren, 2010).

En INECAP somos expertos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del TDAH en adultos. Nuestro equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados utiliza enfoques basados en evidencia para ayudar a los adultos con TDAH a alcanzar su máximo potencial.


Studying at university as an adult with ADHD can be challenging, but research offers promising strategies for success. By implementing evidence-based study techniques and seeking professional treatment when needed, university students with ADHD can overcome obstacles and achieve their academic goals.

If you suspect you may have ADHD or have already been diagnosed and are seeking treatment, don't hesitate to contact us at [your institution]. Our team of experts is here to provide you with the support and tools you need to succeed in university and beyond.

Si tienes sospechas de padecer TDAH en adultos empieza tu ONLINE ASSESSMENT doing CLICK HERE

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